As you age, it is critical to understand how to promote physical and mental wellness. And if you’ve been on this journey long enough, you know that yoga plays a vital role in supporting overall well-being. But what about its detoxification powers? Yoga can support the release of harmful toxins and help you live healthier for longer. But there’s a bit more you should know before getting started with Sun Salutations and Asanas. Here’s what you need to know. Effect of Yoga on the Detoxification ProcessEngaging in yoga regularly can have significant benefits on your body’s detoxification process. For example, specific poses can stimulate your liver, kidneys, and digestive tract – our main organ systems involved in eliminating toxins. So by adding a regular yoga practice to your routine, you actively support your body’s natural detoxification system, paving the way for improved health and increased longevity.Currently, more research is needed to determine the role played by yoga specifically in the detoxification process. Nonetheless, exercise in general may help detox the body by keeping the kidneys and liver healthy. Common Signs That Your Body Is Releasing ToxinsIf you’ve been practising yoga for detoxification, there are some noticeable signs that your body is starting to release toxins. Here’s a quick list:You’re experiencing breakouts or skin problems.You feel unusually tired or fatigued.You have bad breath or a different body odour. You experience digestive issues like bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea.You’re dealing with muscle aches and joint pains. Your sleep patterns might be disrupted.You have trouble concentrating or remembering tasks. Remember, the detoxification process looks different from one person to another but don’t worry – these symptoms are only the sign that toxins are leaving your body, and won’t last longer than a few days!How Yoga Poses Promote Longevity and VitalityYoga is a holistic practice that promotes longevity and vitality by keeping you physically strong and mentally robust. According to studies, regular yoga practice reduces frailty in seniors, making them less prone to injuries or diseases.